Mittendrin 23/24

Have you always wanted to know how composing works, what sound designers do or what goes on backstage? Then you've come to the right place! With us, you get a direct and «right in the middle» insight into musical rehearsals, composition and working methods. Young people immerse themselves in the world of new music together, gather impressions, talk to composers, musicians and sound performers and experience them live on stage. For selected productions, we offer formats such as backstage talks, rehearsal visits or workshops at school. «Mittendrin» is moderated by musician Bettina Berger, also in English or French on request.


L’Invitation – #party #everybodywelcome #open

All cultures have their own festivals and celebratory rituals. Being a host is a high value all over the world. The collectif barbare, together with their ensemble of people from different backgrounds, invites the audience to a very special, poetic celebration that gathers everyone around one table and turns the theatre into a place of encounter with the foreign. Music & arrangements: Anna Trauffer, Astride Schlaefli

Past Events


Das irdische Leben – #endgames #whatstays #comfortindifficulttimes

For our season opener, Thom Luz and Ensemble arrange Mahler's songs and symphony fragments for polyphonic chants, sounding heating radiators, hidden pianos and invisible string instruments. Metaphorically stranded in the concert hall of the Gare du Nord, the performers search for the meaning and nonsense of life and explore the questions of what will come and what will remain. Music: Gustav Mahler


Weit – #lonely #mentalhealth #powerofmusic

Loneliness - like a shadow, a feeling of emptiness creeps into our lives. But is loneliness exclusively destructive? Can there not also be an unknown power hidden in the midst of loneliness? Verba Vocalis explores the theme of loneliness in «Weit» with music from almost 400 years of music history.


Mensch, du hast Recht! – #humanrights #whatisjustice #newrevolution

Who actually knows all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? Who believes in their power and effect even today? Who hears them ? What do they sound like ? Together with director Ursina Greuel, the Matterhorn Productions group seeks an answer to these and other questions in the form of a musical approach to the utopia of human rights. Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert, Esther Roth, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Charlie Haden, Anna Trauffer


PLATZEN PLATZEN PLATZEN – #explosion #toomuch #enoughisenough

Man, at some point you really get fed up with all the crises that reach us every day. What can be done to counteract this overstimulation? When is it enough? How much can I control? These and other existential questions are explored in the musical experiment by Ensemble Proton Bern together with composer Andreas Eduardo Frank. Music: Andreas Eduardo Frank


Der Himmel brennt – #womeninwar #makelovenotwar #borschtsch

The evening should have been a song recital about love, with Russian and Ukrainian romances. Then the war came and everything was different. Nevertheless, a song evening about the power of music, the smell of borscht, the role of women in times of war and also about love was created. The collective barbare and guests ponder on this in this poetic evening. Music: Anna Trauffer, Sofia Gubaidulina, Dimitri Shostakovich, Isaak Dunayevsky, Ukrainian folk songs

Prices for Schools

Normal Price

CHF 10.– / EUR 10.– pro Person

Pupils from BS in class

CHF 4.–

Pupils from BL in class

CHF 5.–

One accompanying person

Free of charge

Each additional accompanying person

CHF 5.–

If you are interested and have any questions, please contact us directly at → Victoria Bakalakos

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