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Alles ist Umbau - Vortragsreihe «ein Haus...»

Institut Architektur FHNW

«The existing is the city. It is stronger than anything anyone can invent instead of it. Instead of building a planned world, we find a huge mass that we can only change, alienate, reinterpret, perhaps control by adding little things.» (Hermann Czech, Der Umbau 1989)
Under the heading «Alles ist Umbau», three architectural firms each present an exemplary project based on an existing building. The selected examples from Basel, Baden and Geneva illustrate different positions in dealing with existing buildings.

Jaccaud + Associés, Genève, Jean-Paul Jaccaud
Redevelopment «Le Lignon», Geneva

With the redevelopment of the residential complex designed by Georges Addor in 1963, Jaccaud + Associés have shown that this important urban and architectural heritage can be transferred into a new period of use with care and skill.


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