We 20:30

«Schamrot – Im Spannungsfeld von Macht und Ohnmacht»

Thea Heieck und Eugenia Guri

Me and - a look that brutally silences me. Shame. A feeling of being watched and of powerlessness. Shame, a modern, powerful, but «muted» feeling? Two performers enter into a performative - musical and dance dialogue with it, shame, and explore how it shapes and forms identity and relationships. The stage set is a landscape of plastic, a material that is suffocating and transparent at the same time, similar to shame. How can we confront a feeling that urges us to want to cancel ourselves? Under the guise of self-optimisation, over-adaptation, the exhausted self or narcissistic mortification, where do we find this quietly crying out part of ourselves? How do we escape the tension between power and powerlessness and find a constructive way of dealing with our shame?


Thea Heieck: (performance, dance, language)
Eugenia Guri: (piano, performance, dance)


Leos Janacek (1854–1928): «Sonata 1. X.» (1905), First Movement

Bela Bartok (1881–1945): «Suite Op. 14, III. Allegro Molto»


Final Project Master Music Education Course Music and Movement + School Music II Basel University of Music


45 minutes, with break


New Pricing Policy

With the start of the season 22/23, a new pricing policy will apply at Gare du Nord.
Guests can now choose their own admission price between three different price levels.
CHF 35.- / 25.- / 15.-


Support the local music scene and give the gift of culture. Gift vouchers for Gare du Nord can be ordered in any amount at any time here or by e-mail.

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Tel. +41 61 683 13 13


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Persons with a residence permit N, F or S.

Students of the Academy of Music FHNW and of the Seminar of Music of the University Basle will still enjoy an entry fee of CHF 5.-.
Colourkey holders and children under 12 years will pay CHF 10.-

Season tickets

Prices freely selectable CHF 350.- / 250.- / 150.-
The season tickets include almost all events of the season 22/23.

Benefits of a season ticket: You can collect your ticket at the evening door and do not need a reservation. The seats for holders of season tickets will be blocked up to 15 minutes prior to showtime.

Season tickets are available for purchase at the door or can be ordered via →E-Mail